A Word From the Pastor
"The Miracle of the Hands
September 13, 2009

Dear Friends,

This past Sunday, members of the youth group gathered to plant flowers outside the church. As luck would have it, the pizza arrived just as the water jugs were being carried back to the kitchen and the tools were being returned to their rightful owners. And, yes, someone had to stand in the hallway reminding these young adults that all had to wash their hands before anyone could eat! It was simply amazing how many of them insisted that, although they had just finished digging holes and planting flowers, their hands were not dirty!


But hands do not lie. As a matter of fact, they tell a great deal about who we are and what we do with our lives. The hands of a concert pianist are much different from those of a carpenter! Who among us cannot distinguish between a hand extended in friendship or one that is preparing to lash out in anger? And after the Resurrection, when did the disciples finally recognize the Lord? It was when he showed them his hands!


So, what do our hands say about us? Are they clenched tightly in an effort to hold onto what is ours, or are they opened and ready to welcome others into the fellowship of Christ? Are they always so busy completing one task after another that there never seems to be enough time for them to be folded in prayer?


Do you remember as a child how many games began by holding hands and forming a circle? Well, the world around is filled with hatred and hostility, jealousy and misunderstandings. So why don't we all join hands and form a circle - a circle filled with love for all God's children? As Christians, we can make a difference. We can help change the world with love.


See You in Church,
Pastor Kathleen