"Bringing On the Kingdom"

Pastor Kathleen Whitmore
August 19, 2009

Are you afraid of the future?  Do you worry about the world your children and grandchildren will inherit?  Have you, or someone you know, been “downsized” out of a job?


There are so many things happening in our world that causes us to be anxious and to fear.  There is the continuing war and the threat of even more military involvement in other areas of the world.  Unemployment is reaching its highest rate since the end of the Great Depression.  Gangs room the streets of our larger cities while domestic violence makes even home unsafe for many women and children. 


Yet, despite the seemingly endless list of problems, God still invites us to build our lives on a faith in a better tomorrow.  Each and every day Christians around the world pray Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  If we actually believe these familiar words then we should also believe that what is happening does not need to be.  Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, people of faith have the power to turn overcome evil with good and hatred with love.  In the words of The Rev. Dr. Junius B. Dotson, Senior Pastor at Saint Marks United Methodist Church in Wichita:  Rather than retreating into fear, we should be propelled into action.  We are God’s kingdom builders helping others to receive a new beginning in life. 


We are God’s kingdom builders right here . . . right now.  So, what are we waiting for?  Let’s grab the Word, hold onto our faith and hit the streets!  There is a whole new world coming and, with Christ’s help, we can help build it.