"Just You and Your Shadow"
Kathleen Whitmore, Senior Pastor
April 14, 2010
At ten months old, Jacob has just discovered his shadow. He talks to it. He waves at it. And, yes, he gets very upset when we turn the corner and it suddenly disappears. There is absolutely no doubt in his mind that someday he and his shadow will do grand and wondrous things!
And who knows? Maybe they will. After all, according to a story recorded in Acts 5:12-16 families with loved ones who were ill would place their sick and disabled relatives on pallets and place them in the street when Peter walked by hoping that if his shadow passed over them healing would occur.
Now I doubt that any of our shadows have the power to cure the ill. But if we reached in the name of Christ to everyone whom our shadows touch think of the impact it would have. Something as simple as a smile, a touch, or words of encouragement could become a life-changing moment for those who receive these genuine expressions of Christian love.
On that night when Jesus was betrayed, Peter’s shadow cast a haze of glum and despair over those who, like himself, were trying to warm themselves by the glow of a small fire. At that moment he had stepped away from God and had abandoned the teaching of Christ. But when Peter repented and turned his life over to Christ even his shadow became a blessing to others.
Think about the shadow you cast. How many people has it touched today? Are their lives better because of it?