"I'll Always Be There!"
Kathleen Whitmore, Senior Pastor
April 19, 2010
A few years ago I was driving through Lawrence with a then four-year-old granddaughter. While it was a trip we had made several times before, for some reason on this particular occasion she became fascinated with the University.
As we passed by the dormitories she asked what they were. I explained that those were where many of the college students lived. She then asked if their parents lived there, too. I said, “No. Every student gets to live in one big bedroom but most of them have to share it with another student who is called a roommate.”
“Then where do their mommies and daddies live?” came her reply.
“They stay in their own houses” I explained.
“Where will you be when I go to college, Hot Tea?” she continued.
“I’ll be in our house”, I said. “That way you will always have a place to come visit me.”
Suddenly it became very quiet in the backseat. After stopping at red light, I turned around to see what she was doing. Some of the biggest tears I have ever seen were running down face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Hot Tea, I don’t want to go to college and live in a room if you can’t go with me. I’ll be scared.”
I finally said: “Why don’t we wait until you at least finish kindergarten and then we’ll talk about this again. Remember, whenever you need me, I’ll always be there. “
There have been countless other times through the past few years when a little voice has cried out in the night, “Hot Tea, are you there?” Or, I’ve picked up the phone and the same little voice says, “I’m scared and Mommy said I could call and talk to you.”
Now someday I won’t be one of the most important people in her life. She will grow up, move onto college, and eventually establish a home of her own. But I pray that she will never forget that when people love each other, there is nothing on earth or in heaven that can separate them from each other.
And, yes, there is one other thing I hope she always remembers. When the darkness comes – when she is afraid of the future or uncertain of the present; when important decisions must be made or she is feeling alone – all she has to do is call out to God. After all, didn’t the Apostle Paul promise that nothing . . . absolutely nothing . . . could ever separate us from the love of God that is ours through Christ?
I believe it and pray that you do, too!