"Try to Remember"
Kathleen Whitmore, Senior Pastor
January 26, 2010
This past week I read about a couple who discovered a new restaurant they loved. The next evening they had some friends over to their house, and while the wife was out in the kitchen fixing coffee, the husband began telling the company about this wonderful new restaurant. “It sounds great,” said the friends. “What’s its name?” Try as he did, the husband could not remember the name. After thinking about it for a while, he finally asked: “What’s the beautiful flower you can buy from the florist that has a long stem and thorns?” “Could it be a rose?” replied the friends. “That’s it!” shouted the husband. Then walking toward the kitchen he said to his wife: “Hey, Rose, do you remember the name of that restaurant we ate at last night?
While most of us are not quit that forgetful, the truth is that we have all become so busy at one time or the other that we have forgotten something important. Maybe it was an important meeting, a promise made to a spouse, or an activity that was important to a child. Whatever it was, we simply became so overwhelmed with what we were doing, or the demands that were being made that we could think of nothing else.
Jesus must have known how human it is for us to forget. He must have understood that sometimes the demands placed upon our time, energy and resources would be too much. Maybe that is why the last words he spoke to his disciples on the day he ascended were: Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20b NRSV)