Gospel: John 14:23-29
Sermon: "Fear Not!"
May 1, 2013 |
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Epistle Lesson: Revelations 21:1-6
Gospel: John 13:31-35
Sermon: "What's So New About Heaven?"
Benediction: "I Didn't Want to Go to Heaven!"
April 28, 2013 |
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Gospel: John 10:22-30
Sermon: "Follow the Leader"
Benediction: "Apple Pie A La Mode is BORING!"
April 21, 2013 |
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Gospel: John 21:1-19
Sermon: "When Morning Comes"
Benediction: "The Crying Song"
April 14, 2013 |
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Epistle Lesson: Revelations 1:4-7
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Sermon: "Questions, Questions"
April 7, 2013 |
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Sermon: "Not Your Ordinary Morning"
March 31, 2013
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Epistle Lesson: Philippians 2:5-11
Gospel: Luke 19:28-40
Sermon: "When the Stones
Shout Out"
Benediction: "Sing Now! Sing On!"
March 24, 2013 |
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Gospel Lesson: John 12:1-8
Sermon: "Something Stinks"
Benediction: "Putting Down the Stone"
March 17, 2013 |
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Gospel: Mark 2:13-22
Sermon: "Set On Fire"
Benediction: "Whatever Became Of Matthew?"
March 10, 2013 |
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Gospel: Luke 9:51-62
Sermon: "Set On Fire"
Benediction: "Living With The Consequences"
March 3, 2013 |
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Gospel: John 1: 35-42
Sermon: "Your Place In Line"
Benediction: "How Can You Possibly Say No?"
February 24, 2013 |
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Old Testament Reading: I Samuel 3:1-20
Gospel: John 1: 43-51
Sermon: "Who? Me?!"
Benediction: "Yes, Kathleen, YOU!"
February 17, 2013 |
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Gospel: Matthew 25:34-40
Message: "Homelessness in Topeka"
Guest speaker: Rev. Barry Feaker
Executive Director: Topeka Rescue Mission
Introduction by Margaret Jantzen, President
Lowman United Methodist Women
February 10, 2013 |
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Gospel: Luke 4:20-30
Sermon: "Open Up"
Benediction: "The Joy of Knowing"
February 3, 2013 |
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Gospel: John 2: 1-11
Sermon: "Celebrate the Good Times"
Benediction: "What do the children see?"
January 20, 2013 |
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Epistle Reading: Acts 8:14-17
Gospel: Luke 5:15-17; 21-22
Sermon: "All In the Family"
Benediction: "I Have A Cousin... WHERE??"
January 13, 2013 |
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Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6
Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12
Sermon: "God The Builder"
January 6, 2013 |
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